Command Formatting for G Codes (Part 2)
5. G05, G06,G07,G09 (Mirror Image and Cancel)
Function : the mirror image function reveres the signs of the command values for each axis during machining.
G05 function : X mirror image ON
G06 function : Y mirror ON
G07 function : Z mirror ON
G09 function : mirror image / X-Y exchange cancel
When the mirror image function is applied to only one of the X-and Y-axes, the direction of wire electrode offset and the direction of taper machining are reversed.
Note also that a mirror image status that is in effect before execution of a new mirror image command remains in effect after the command is executed.
Example : N0003 M98P1000;
G05; X mirror ON
N0005 M98P1000;
G06 Y mirror ON (mirror image ON for both X and Y)
N0007 M98P1000;
G09; Mirror image cancel
G06; Mirror image ON
Note :
In the G05 or G06 mode, if the mirror image function is applied in only one axis direction with wire electrode offset (G41,G42) and / or taper machining (G51, G52) mode ON, the directions of wire electrode offset and taper machining are reversed.
This mean that program for machining punches and dies will still generate the paths to cut punches and dies correctly even if the mirror image function is applied. Display color of the axes for which the mirror function is turned ON changes from green to red. The color returns to red when the mirror function is turned OFF.
6. G08, G09 (X-Y Exchange and Cancel)
Function : G08 exchange the commands specified for the X-and Y-axes.
In the other words commands specified for the X-axis are executed on the Y-axis and command specified for the Y-axis are executed on the X-axis.
G09 cancels the X-Y exchange function (it also cancels the mirror image function.
G08 function X-Y exchange ON
G09 function X-Y exchange cancel
Example :
G90 G92 X0Y0;
G41 H000;
G01 X5.0 Y5.0;
G03 X15.0 Y30.0 I-10.0;
G01 X5.0 Y15.0;
G40 X0 Y0;
G90 G92 X0Y0;
G41 H000;
G01 X5.0 Y5.0;
G03 X15.0 Y30.0 I-10.0;
G01 X5.0 Y15.0;
G40 X0Y0;
7. G11,G12 (Block Skip ON/OFF)
Function : these codes set whether or not blocks preceded by the slash code “/” are to be ignored.
G11 function Block skip ONN
G12 function Blok skip OFF
Example :
G54 X90 X92 X Y;
/G41 H001;…………………………………..(A)
G01 X10.;
/G02 X20. Y20. I10.;…………….(B)
G01 Y30.;
G40 G01 Y;
When G11 (Skip = ON) is specified, block (A), (B), and (C ) are skipped.
8. G13, G14, G15 (Wire Breakage Recovery Function ON/OFF)
Function : these codes have the same function as the first digits of the NC setting item “AWT REFERENCE” and determine whether or not an automatic return to the reference point is to be executed when the wire breaks during machining.
G13 function a reference point return is executed in the machining mode if the wire breaks.
G14 function the operation is interrupted if the wire breaks.
G15 function a reference point return is executed with discharge OFF if the wire breaks.
Example :
G54 G90 G92 X10. Y10.;
G41 H001;
G01 X20.;
G02 X30. Y30. I10.;
G01 Y40.;
9. G17 (Plane Selection)
Function : G17 select the plane in which circular interpolation or wire electrode offset is executed.
Since programs are always executed in the XY plane with wire-cut EDM machines, G17 is automatically set when the power is switched ON.
10. G22, G23 (Software Limit)
Function : to ensure safe operation, the allowable range of axis motion is set by the software (store stoke limits) and these code determine whether or not axis movement is restrict within the preset range of motion.
G22 function Software limit ON
G23 function Software limit OFF
Set the range of travel for each axis in advance for the NC setting item “Software Limits(X+)” to “Software Limits (W-)” or using the G122 or G123 code.
The coordinate value defining the range of axis motion are set in the machine coordinate system.
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