Command Formatting for G Codes (Part 1)
1.G00 (Positioning) Function : G00 establishes the mode to move the specified axes to the specified position without machining. Command format : G00 {axis designation} ± {data} Example : G00 X+200 Y+400; 2. G01 (Linear Interpolation) Function : Go1 establishes the linear interpolation mode in which the specified axes travel to the specified end point to cut the work piece. When G01 is executed, the wire runs automatically and flushing and discharge are turned ON. During machining, up to four axes can be interpolated simultaneously. Command format : G01 {axis designation} ±{data} Example : G01 X20. Y40.; 3. G02, G03 (Circular Interpolation) Function : G02 and G03 establish the circular interpolation mode in which the coordinate movement of the specified axes cuts the arc defined bye the specified commands. When G01 is executed, the wire runs automatically a nd flushing and discharge are turned ON G02 function : specified ...