Definition of "Words"

Every Program for CNC Machines, are created by many statment. That's combining many words (commands) such as Preparatory Functions, Feed Functions, and Auxiliary Functions.
Words=Address+ Data

The below address can be used for CNC Wire CUT Sodick (I Think it's almost same for other brand, but before use these code,you must verify before use!)

N,O                  =  Sequence Number
G                      =  Preparatory Funtions
X,Y,Z,U,V,W  =  Dimension, Angle,etc, for axis travel
I,J                     =  Center Coordinate of circular arc (incremental coordinate system)
T                      =  Item relating to Machine Control
D,H                  =  Offset Number
A                      = Angle in tapper machining
P                      =  Sub Program Number
L                      =  Number of repetitions of subprograms
C                      =  Machining Condition File Numbers
M                     = Auxiliary Functions
Q                     = File Call Up
F                      =  Feed Rate
RI                    =  Coordinate of center for figure rotation (x-axis)
RJ                   =  Coordinate of center for figure rotation (y-axis)
RX,KX             =   Angle for figure or coordinate rotation (x-axis)
RY,KY             =   Angle for figure or coordinate rotation (y-axis)
RA,KA            =  Angle for figure or coordinate rotation
R                    = Corner “R” radius
TP,TN            =  Taper definition (T-P,T-N)
CRT,IF,KEYIN,JUMP= user macro functions
FLAG              =  Setting data

D,H                 =  Offset Number


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